B Innovative Web Design attend Find it in Worcestershire networking event

22 February, 2012 by Robby

Yesterday we attended the first birthday celebration of Find it in Worcestershire.com networking event at Sixways Rugby ground in Worcester. It was a fantastic breakfast time event where over 200 people attended. 


The FREE breakfast meetings are held monthly with a different topic and speakers at each.


It is driven by a website that was launched just over a year ago. During it's early days we were sceptical and felt it was just another online directory. However, it is growing from strength to strength and, with Worcestershire County Council behind it, should have great potential for linking local businesses together in the future.


The format of the presentations is short & focused from a variety of speakers. There was also plenty of opportunity for networking before and after.


We strongly recommend that our clients and business contact consider booking for future meetings. We've already booked for March when the topic is Marketing.


Althought the early start is testing (6:45a.m. registration) the bacon & egg bap and the strong coffee on tap made up for that.


Oh and don't forget to take a good handful of your business cards!

Check it out & register at www.finditinworcestershire.com to see how it might work for you.

Category: General

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